Michael G. Faure is Professor of Comparative Private Law & Economics. Michael studied law at the University of Antwerp (1982) and criminology at the University of Gent (1983). He obtained a Master of Laws from the University of Chicago Law School (1984). He pursued his doctoral research at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau and received a doctor iuris. First Michael worked as a lecturer later as a senior lecturer at the department of criminal law at the Law Faculty of Leiden University (1988-1999).
In September 1991 he became academic director of the Maastricht European Institute for Transnational Legal Research (METRO) and professor of Comparative and International Environmental Law at the law faculty of Maastricht University. Since February 2005 he also holds a position as professor of comparative private law at Erasmus School of Law and is the co-director of the research programme Behavioural Approaches to Contract and Tort. Moreover, Michael is academic director of the Ius Commune Research School and since 1982 he has been an attorney at the Antwerp Bar.
Michael Faure teaches Environmental Law & Economics and European Law & Economics. His publications mainly focus on the areas of environmental (criminal) law, tort and insurance as well as economic analysis of (accident) law.
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