Partner Universities

Prof. Dr. Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko
Managing director
Prof. Dr. Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko has an interdisciplinary background, having obtained degrees in law, psychology and law and economics. Her research focuses on empirical legal studies where she employs empirical methods to investigate questions of law in different areas such as constitutional law, copyright law, administrative law, and international criminal law. She is also an international expert on day fines, with a particular focus on European national criminal justice systems. Finally, she is also conducting research in the field of International Criminal Law. Due to the novelty and societal relevance of her research, Elena has obtained different grants to execute her studies. She has been publishing in leading international journals and with renowned publishing houses. Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko is a member of the ESL’s Research Ethics Review Committee (RERC) as well as the academic coordinator of the European Doctorate in Law and Economics. In addition, Elena has recently established and co-directing the Erasmus Centre of Empirical Legal Studies (ECELS), which is focused on promoting the application of empirical methods, including computational methods, in legal research and education in The Netherlands. Before starting her academic career, Elena worked as a criminal prosecutor in the District Attorney’s Office in Israel.
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Prof. Dr. Fabio Padovano
Rennes Director
Fabio Padovano is Professor of Economics and Director of the Condorcet Center for Political Economy at the University of Rennes. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from George mason University, where he was research assistant to prof. James Buchanan, Nobel laureate, and in Quantitative Methods from the Sapienza university of Rome. He has been president of the European Public Choice Society. His research interests are in public choice, political economics, law and economics (especially legislative production and judicial institutions), public finance and economics of arts and culture.

Prof. Dr. Luigi A. Franzoni
Erasmus Mundus Coordinator and Bologna Director
Luigi Alberto Franzoni (D.Phil. Nuffield College, Oxford) is Professor of Public Economics at the University of Bologna. He is a leading European academic scholars in the field of Law and Economics. His main fields of specialization are the economics of IPRs and law enforcement. He has written, together with D. Marchesi, the most important introductory book on law and economics in Italian language.
From 2014 to 2017, he served as President of the European Law and Economics Association
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Prof. Dr. Stefan Voigt
Hamburg Director
Stefan Voigt is professor at the University of Hamburg and the director of its Institute of Law & Economics. He is a fellow with CESifo (Munich). Previous positions include chairs at the Universities of Marburg, Kassel and Ruhr-University Bochum. Voigt has been a fellow at the Institutes for Advanced Study in Berlin, in Greifswald, and at the University of Notre Dame. His research focuses on the economic effects of constitutions. More specifically, current research focuses on the economic effects of judicial institutions. Voigt is one of the editors of Constitutional Political Economy and a member of various boards including those of Public Choice and the International Review of Law & Economics. Voigt has consulting experience with both the public and the private sector. He has worked with the World Bank, the European Commission and the OECD but also with the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT).
- Website: Link

Dr. Stefania Bortolotti
Stefania Bortolotti is a senior assistant professor (RtD-b) at the Department of Economics of the University of Bologna. She obtained a PhD in Economics and Management form the University of Trento. She was a research fellow at the University of Bologna, the University of Cologne, and the Max Planck Institute in Bonn. She is interested in behavioral and experimental economics, and investigates topics such as cooperation, inequality, gender gap, and incentive systems. Her work has been published in international journals such as Economic Journal, European Economic Review, and Journal of Money Credit & Banking.
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Dr. Alice Guerra
Alice Guerra is Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Bologna and Managing Director of the European Association of Law and Economics. From 2016 to 2019 she worked as assistant professor and Marie Curie fellow at Copenhagen Business School, and she was a visiting student at the European University Institute. She obtained a Ph.D. in Law and Economics in 2015 from the European Doctorate in Law and Economics jointly offered by the Universities of Bologna, Hamburg and Rotterdam. Her research spans several topics in the economic analysis of torts, with particular attention to the role of institutions and the law in monitoring and deterring illegal behaviors and dishonesty (e.g., tax evasion, vote buying, dishonest leadership, corruption).
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Prof. Dr. Alessandro Tavoni
Alessandro Tavoni holds a PhD in Economics from Universita’ Ca’ Foscari di Venezia (2011). Prior to joining the Economics department at the University of Bologna, he was Associate Professor at the London School of Economics. He has published in generalist journals such as Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and in top field journals such as Journal of Environmental Economics and Management and Nature Climate Change. Alessandro’s research spans several topics in environmental economics, primarily related to overcoming behavioural and political economy barriers to cooperation in the (climate) commons. This is tackled through a combination of non-cooperative and evolutionary game theory models, as well as surveys, laboratory and field experiments, to shed light on potential solutions to environmental dilemmas.
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Dr. Carmine Guerriero
Carmine Guerriero is “Rita Levi-Montalcini” Associate Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics of the University of Bologna. His chair has been established thanks to a three million Euros 2016 “Rita Levi-Montalcini” grant from the “Italian ministry of University and Research.” His main contributions are towards the understanding of the determinants and impact of legal, regulatory, and political institutions. He obtained his PhD in Economics from the University of Cambridge in 2010. From 2009 to 2015, he has been Assistant Professor and Program Director at the ACLE (University of Amsterdam) and from 2012 to 2020 he has served as associate editor of the International Review of Law and Economics. From 2014, he is Co-Primary Investigator of the Nomography Project and in 2020 he has founded the Cambridge University Press Elements in Law, Economics and Politics for which he now serves as Editor-in-Chief. Guerriero has received the “EARIE Paul Geroski” award prize in 2007 and the “Hans-Jurgen-Ewers” Prize in 2011, and he has published in top economics, law, and political science journals such as the Journal of Law and Economics, the Journal of Comparative Economics, the Journal of Institutional Economics, Economica, the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies and the Southern California Law Review.
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Prof. Dr. Paolo Vanin
Paolo Vanin is Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Bologna. He obtained a Ph.D. in Economics at Pompeu Fabra University in 2007, worked as Assistant Professor at the University of Padova until 2008 and was Visiting Professor at UTDT and UDESA in Buenos Aires and at FU in Berlin. His research includes theoretical and empirical investigations in the areas of crime economics (on social and moral enforcement of law, economic roots and political consequences of organized crime and terrorism), political economy (on information transparency, historical and political roots of development), and social economics (on social capital, social interactions, moral values, substance use and abuse). He has published in several economic journals including the Journal of the European Economic Association, the Economic Journal, the Journal of Public Economics, the Journal of Law and Economics, and the Journal of Development Economics.
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Prof. Dr. Enrico Santarelli
Enrico Santarelli is Professor of Economics at the University of Bologna. From 2003 to 2009 he was Research Professor at the Max Planck Institute of Economics (Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy Group) in Jena and in 2010 served as Senior scientist (GH40) at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS) of the European Commission. He was also Visiting professor in several universities across the globe, including Stanford, Berkeley, Erasmus of Rotterdam, Sussex and Maastricht. He received a Ph.D. in science and technology policy from University of Sussex. From 2004 to 2010 Professor Santarelli was a member of the Executive Committee of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE). His main research line is the economic analysis of entrepreneurship, firm growth and innovation. Professor Santarelli published in a wide range of journals indexed in Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge, including the International Journal of Industrial Organization, Research Policy, Regional Studies, Small Business Economics, Industrial and Corporate Change, Review of Industrial Organization.
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Prof. Dr. Alessandro Pomelli
Alessandro Pomelli is professor at the University of Bologna Faculty of Economics, where he teaches business law. After graduating with honours from the University of Bologna Faculty of Law in 2000, he earned a Ph.D. degree in corporate law from Bocconi University in 2004 and an LL.M. degree from Columbia University School of Law in 2006 together with the academic title of Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar. He also teaches courses in basic concepts of law and economics, comparative law and economics, corporation law and economics and corporate governance on the EMLE and EDLE programmes, the course in international mergers and acquisitions on the Loyola Law School and University of Bologna international LL.M. programme as well as he holds lectures on corporate law in the postgraduate program of the School of Specialisation in Legal Professions in Bologna. Author of numerous articles on corporate and takeover laws and securities regulation published in Italian law reviews, his main field of interest is the law and economics of corporations and capital markets.
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Prof. Dr. Francesco Parisi
Francesco Parisi is Professor of Public Economics at the University of Bologna and Professor of Law at the University of Minnesota School of Law. He is Editor of the Supreme Court Economic Review (Chicago University Press) and Co-Director of the Program in Economics and the Law at the J.M. Buchanan Center for Political Economy. Professor Parisi received his D.Jur. degree from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, an LL.M. and a J.S.D. and an M.A. degree in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley and a Ph.D in Economics from George Mason University. Professor Parisi is a member of the board of editors of the International Review of Law and Economics, the American Journal of Comparative Law, and the Social Sciences Research Network.
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Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Denicolò
Vincenzo Denicolò is Professor of Economics at the University of Bologna and research fellow at CEPR. His main field of research is the theory of industrial organization, with a special focus on competition policy and the economics of innovation and intellectual property rights. He has published more than 50 articles in refereed journals, including the American Economic Review and the Quarterly Journal of Economics. Currently he is a co-editor of the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, a member of the Academic Panel at the UK Competition and Market Authority, and a member of the Economic Advisory Board for Competition Policy at the European Commission.
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Dr. Alberto De Pra
Alberto De Pra is an Associate Professor at the Padua University, where he teaches Commercial Law, Restructuring, Insolvency Law, and Competition Law . He also teaches European Competition Law at theEuropean Doctorate in Law&Economics (EDLE). After graduating from the University of Bologna, Faculty of Law, he earned a Ph.D. degree in Law & Economics from Siena University. He has been visiting research fellow at the University of Cambridge (U.K.), Faculty of Law, and research fellow at the European University Institute in antitrust law. He is also head of the editorial board of the law review “Giurisprudenza Commerciale” and member of the editorial board of the “RDS-Rivista di Diritto Societario Interno, Internazionale, Comunitario e Comparato”. He is a member of the Italian Bar and Academic Member of the European Corporate Governance Institute. He is also head of the editorial board of the law review “Giurisprudenza Commerciale” and member of the editorial board of the “RDS-Rivista di Diritto Societario Interno, Internazionale, Comunitario e Comparato”.
- Website: Link

Prof. Dr. Marco Casari
Marco Casari is Professor of Political Economy at the University of Bologna. He earned a Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology, USA, in 2002. His main areas of interest are institutional economics, experimental economics, and environmental economics. He has held positions at Purdue University, Autonoma University of Barcelona and Ohio State University. He has published in several journals including Econometrica, American Economic Review, PNAS, Economic Journal, Journal of Economic History, Games and Economic Behavior.
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Prof. Dr. Emanuela Carbonara
Emanuela Carbonara is a Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Bologna. She obtained a D.Phil in Economics from the University of Oxford in 1999. Moreover, she was a Lecturer in Economics at the University of Oxford and the Johns Hopkins University. She has published on economic analysis of contracts and regulation. Her main research interests are the law and economics of contracts and market regulation.
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Prof. Dr. Maria Bigoni
Maria Bigoni is a Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Bologna. She obtained a Ph.D. in Economics, Markets and Institutions from the IMT in Lucca in 2008. She was a visiting student at the Stockholm School of Economics (2006 and 2007), and a visiting scholar at Tilburg University (2008) and Purdue University (2011). She has published in generalist journals as Econometrica, PNAS and the Economic Journal, and in top field journals such as Games and Economic Behavior, the RAND Journal of Economics and the Journal of Law, Economics and Organization. Her main research interest is experimental economics, applied to the study of cooperation in repeated social dilemmas, industrial organization and learning.
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Dr. Elena Argentesi
Elena Argentesi is an Associate Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics of the University of Bologna. She earned a Ph.D. in Economics at the European University Institute in 2005 with her thesis on an empirical analysis of two-sided markets. During her Ph.D., she spent a year as a visiting fellow at the IDEI in Toulouse. Her research interests are in the area of industrial organization and competition policy, with a focus on empirical issues. Her publications in academic journals are mainly in the fields of two-sided markets and mergers analysis. She is Senior Advisor at Lear and has done consultancy work as a technical expert for several public bodies, such as DG Competition and other competition agencies.
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Prof. Dr. Luigi A. Franzoni
Erasmus Mundus Coordinator and Bologna Director
Luigi Alberto Franzoni (D.Phil. Nuffield College, Oxford) is Professor of Public Economics at the University of Bologna. He is a leading European academic scholars in the field of Law and Economics. His main fields of specialization are the economics of IPRs and law enforcement. He has written, together with D. Marchesi, the most important introductory book on law and economics in Italian language.
From 2014 to 2017, he served as President of the European Law and Economics Association
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Prof. Dr. Anne van Aaken
Anne van Aaken (Dr. iur. and MA Economics) is Chair for Law and Economics, Legal Theory, Public International Law and European Law, University of Hamburg (2018-2023 Alexander von Humboldt Professor). Previously, she was professor at St. Gallen University and Senior Researcher at two Max Planck Institutes. Anne was Vice-President of ESIL and chaired the EUI Research Council. She taught in the US, Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America, was general editor of JIDS and is/was a member of the editorial boards of AJIL, EJIL, International Theory and JIEL. She has been consultant for the IBRD, OECD, UNCTAD and the UN. Her over 100 publications concentrate on international (economic) law and behavioural economics/psychology and legal theory.

Prof. Dr. Roee Sarel
Prof. Dr. Roee Sarel is a Junior Professor of Private Law and Law & Economics at the Institute of Law & Economics, University of Hamburg. He is both a lawyer and an economist. His dual-background includes a doctorate in Economics from the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and degrees in law and business (LL.B & M.B.A) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His previous positions include a research associate (post-doc) at the Institute of Law & Economics in Hamburg, a lab manager (post-doc) at the Economics department of the Frankfurt School of Finance, an associate lawyer at a Litigation & Banking department of Yigal Arnon & Co. law firm; and various research and teaching assistant positions in law, economics, and finance. His research combines empirical, experimental, and theoretical methodologies and focuses on topics such as law & technology (e.g. AI, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies), crime, behavioral law and economics, product returns, and judicial decision-making. He has published in both leading peer-reviewed journals (e.g. Journal of Legal Studies) and top law reviews (e.g. Georgetown Law Journal). More information can be found on his personal.
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Prof. Dr. Jerg Gutmann
Jerg Gutmann is an assistant professor at the Institute of Law and Economics of the University of Hamburg and a CESifo affiliate. His research interests lie at the interface between economics, law, and politics. Jerg Gutmann is interested in the use of violence by states and its regulation. Although most of his research is empirical (including experiments and surveys), he is also interested in game theory applied to political economy questions. He has published broadly on institutional economics topics related to constitutions, culture, and the rule of law. Jerg Gutmann has advised the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the European Union and Philippine Department of Energy, and the OECD on questions of applied statistics, impact evaluation, and measurement of institutions.
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Prof. Dr. Eva van der Zee
Eva van der Zee is a Junior Professor (Tenure Track) in International Law with a focus on Behavioural Law and Economics at the Institute of Law and Economics at Hamburg University Faculty of Law since 2019. Eva’s current research focuses on the role and interrelation of formal and informal legal systems in promoting sustainable development using insights from the social sciences, in particularly behavioural economics, social psychology, and sociology. Eva has published articles in the Journal of World Trade, World Competition Law and Economic Review, German Law Journal, American Journal of International Law Unbound and Sustainability, amongst others. In addition, she has advised governmental institutions on the role of law and policy to promote sustainable development. She is the co-founder of BRAIN (Behavioural Research Approaches in International Law Network) and the ESIL (European Society of International Law) Interest Group on Social Sciences and International Law.
- Website: Link

Prof. Dr. Wolf-Georg Ringe, M.Jur. (Oxon)
Wolf-Georg Ringe is Professor of Law at the University of Hamburg and Director at the Institute of Law & Economics. He also teaches at the University of Oxford where he is Visiting Professor on a continuous basis, Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute of European and Comparative Law and an associate member of the Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance. He has held visiting positions at various institutions in Europe and North America, including Columbia Law School and Vanderbilt University. He is a co-founder and editor of the Journal of Financial Regulation, which has been published by Oxford University Press since 2015. Professor Ringe has been involved in policy work with the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Financial Stability Board. His current research interests are in the general areas of Law & Finance, comparative corporate governance, capital and financial markets, insolvency law and conflict of laws.
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Prof. Dr. Hans-Bernd Schäfer
Hans-Bernd Schäfer is Professor of Economics at the Law Faculty and at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Hamburg. His main fields of interest are the economic analysis of civil law and development economics. Together with Prof. Dr. Claus Ott he published a German textbook on the economic analysis of civil law (which has been translated into English, Spanish and Chinese) and a series of articles on law and economics. He is director of the Ph.D. Graduate College on Law & Economics and until 2008 was also the Director of the EMLE programme.
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Prof. Dr. Stefan Oeter
Stefan Oeter is Professor of German and Comparative Public Law and Public International Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Hamburg and Managing Director of the Institute of International Affairs. He is Chairman of the Independent Committee of Experts of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (Council of Europe), a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Federal Ministry of Transport and member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague. His main fields of interest in research are comparative federalism, minority protection, humanitarian law, European and international economic law, as well as theory of international law and international relations. He has published together with Prof. Dr. Meinhard Hilf the leading German textbook on WTO law.
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Prof. Dr. Markus Nöth
Markus Nöth is Professor of Banking and Behavioral Finance at the Faculty of Business Administration of the University of Hamburg. His main fields of interest are behavioral finance focusing on consumer protection as well as individual investors long-term investments and insurance decisions. In addition, he does research in bank regulation and negotiations.
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Prof. Dr. Gerd Muehlheusser
holds a chair for “Microeconomics with a special focus on Industrial Organization” at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences of Hamburg University.
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Prof. Dr. Heribert Hirte
Heribert Hirte is the director of the Seminar of Commercial, Shipping and Business Law at the University of Hamburg since 2000. Previously he taught as Professor at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (1993-2000), the “Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg” (1999-2004), as visiting Professor at the Doshisha-University, Kyoto (2001), the Korea University, Seoul (2001) and at the “Università Bocconi” Milan (2006 and 2008). In Milan he has been a member of the “Collegio dei docent” of the “Dottorato di ricerca in Diritto dell’Impresa” since 2003. Apart from his academic career he was deputy member of the constitutional court of Thuringia from 1995 until 2000. As editor of several journals on insolvency and financial law his field of interest is focused on these topics. His research interests take comparative and interdisciplinary aspects in account. Therefore he is also a member of the Graduate School on Law & Economics of the University of Hamburg.
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Prof. Dr. Michael Fehling
Michael Fehling is Professor at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, where he has held the Chair of Public Law and Comparative Law since 2001. Previously he taught public law at the University of Freiburg/Breisgau. His research interests include economic regulation and administrative law from a European perspective (particularly the reform of public services and the regulation of network-industries), environmental law, media law, freedom of science and University organization, comparative public law (USA) and the economic analysis of administrative law. Together with Matthias Ruffert he recently edited a comprehensive work on the legal perspectives on regulation.
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Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Drobetz
Wolfgang Drobetzis professor of corporate finance and ship finance at the University of Hamburg. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of St. Gallen and completed his Habilitation at the University of Basel. Wolfgang taught financial theory at the Bucerius Law School and the WHU Otto Beisheim Graduate School. His research interests include corporate finance, corporate governance, asset management and ship finance. Wolfgang’s research has been published in leading academic and practitioner journals. He is a member of the editorial board of the European Journal of Finance and served as co-president of the European Financial Management Association.
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Prof. Dr. Reinhard Bork
Prof. Dr Reinhard Bork holds a chair for civil procedure Law at Hamburg University. He served as a judge at the Court of Appeal in Hamburg and has published extensively on civil and civil procedural law (including arbitration), insolvency law, commercial law and media law. He is the editor of several leading journals on civil, business and insolvency law. His main field of interest is insolvency law with a focus on the law of restructuring distressed companies. This includes the economic aspects and the economic analysis of company and insolvency law. Having served for five years as Vice Dean of the Law Faculty he was awarded the Robert S. Campbell Visiting Fellowship of Magdalen College Oxford and spent the academic year 2010/2011 as a visiting researcher in Oxford.
- Website: Link

Prof. Dr. Stefan Voigt
Hamburg Director
Stefan Voigt is professor at the University of Hamburg and the director of its Institute of Law & Economics. He is a fellow with CESifo (Munich). Previous positions include chairs at the Universities of Marburg, Kassel and Ruhr-University Bochum. Voigt has been a fellow at the Institutes for Advanced Study in Berlin, in Greifswald, and at the University of Notre Dame. His research focuses on the economic effects of constitutions. More specifically, current research focuses on the economic effects of judicial institutions. Voigt is one of the editors of Constitutional Political Economy and a member of various boards including those of Public Choice and the International Review of Law & Economics. Voigt has consulting experience with both the public and the private sector. He has worked with the World Bank, the European Commission and the OECD but also with the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT).
- Website: Link

Prof. Dr. Yvon Rocaboy
Yvon Rocaboy is Professor of Economics at the University of Rennes, France, since 1998 and former Director of the Center for Research in Economics and Management (CREM-CNRS). Yvon was a member of the European Public Choice Society (2009-2012) and co-founder of PEARL network. He has published widely in French and international journals and books. The main focus of his work is Local Public Economics (tax competition, location choice, optimal jurisdiction size), and Public Choice (Yardstick political competition, Political fragmentation), paying particular attention to the French local governments. More recently his research has focused on Sports economics issues.

Dr. Véronique Thelen
Véronique Thelen earned her Ph. D in Economics from the Toulouse School of Economics under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Paul Azam in 2010. She is associate professor at the University of Rennes. Her research interests are in the domain of applied econometrics, microeconometrics, economics of conflicts (in particular, terrorism, civil war and violence against minorities), institutions and environmental economics.

Prof. Dr. Fabio Padovano
Fabio Padovano is Professor of Economics and Director of the Condorcet Center for Political Economy at the University of Rennes. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from George mason University, where he was research assistant to prof. James Buchanan, Nobel laureate, and in Quantitative Methods from the Sapienza university of Rome. He has been president of the European Public Choice Society. His research interests are in public choice, political economics, law and economics (especially legislative production and judicial institutions), public finance and economics of arts and culture.

Prof. Dr. Jean-Michel Josselin
Jean-Michel Josselin is professor in economics at the University of Rennes. His research interests include the evaluation of public policies, public finance and public health. He has been an expert with the French National Health Authority (2012-2018). He is currently involved in research programs with the French Ministry of health and is an adviser to the Prime Minister’s secretary for public investment.

Prof. Dr. Thierry Pénard
Thierry Pénard is professor of Economics and director of the PhD program. His research covers industrial organization, in particular digital economics, competition policy and market regulation. He holds a PhD in economics from the University of Paris.
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Dr. Benoit Le Maux
Benoît Le Maux is associate professor of economics at the University of Rennes (France). His research and teaching relate to public policy evaluation and democracy, with a special emphasis on public expenditures (microeconomic analysis of collective decision-making, econometrics, quasi-experimental techniques). He is researcher at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CREM-CNRS and Condorcet Center for Political Economy) and currently in charge of coordinating a master program in public finance and management at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Rennes.

Dr. Jakub Drápal
Dr. Jakub Drápal is an Assistant Professor (on leave) at Charles University’s Faculty of Law and a researcher at the Czech Academy of Sciences. Currently, he is a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at Leiden University (until fall 2024), specializing in sentencing and penal policy in Central and Eastern Europe. His research uniquely blends legal, criminological, and empirical perspectives. He studied law at Charles University and criminology at the University of Cambridge.
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Dr. Josef Montag
Dr. Josef Montag holds a PhD in Law and Economics from the University of Turin. His research is mostly empirical, often using experimental methods. He deals with questions pertaining to criminal behavior, judicial heterogeneity, gender gap, ethnic discrimination, housing, and unemployment. He serves as an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Law, Charles University.
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Dr. Sven Hoeppner
Dr. Sven Hoeppner is a trained economist and lawyer serving as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Law, Charles University. He received his PhD in law from Ghent University. His research interests include transaction and institution design, contract theory and contract design, auctions and bargaining, economics of insolvency, economic equality, and law and technology, especially the intersection of algorithmic decision-making and institution design. Sven mainly uses experimental and quantitative methods as well as some computational tools to conduct his research.

Dr. Libor Dušek
Dr. Libor Dušek is an academic specializing in Law and Economics, Economics of Crime, and Public Economics, having earned his PhD in Economics from the University of Chicago. He is the Chair and Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Law, Charles University. His research focuses on the impact of sanction design on illegal behavior, alternative criminal procedures, and tax policy. Dušek actively contributes to academia through teaching, PhD supervision, and engaging in funded research projects. Additionally, he serves as a member of the National Economic Council, which advises the Czech government on various economic and social issues.
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Dr. Aylin Aydin-Cakir
Dr. Aylin Cakir worked as an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Yeditepe University, Turkey (2014-2019). In 2017 she has been awarded with Young Scientist Award (BAGEP) by the Science Academy. In 2019 she received Re:Constitution fellowship (by Stiftung Mercator) and in 2020 she was Re:Constitution fellow at Utrecht University (Montaigne Center). Between 2021-2022 she was affiliated with Utrecht University, School of Law (ERI program) as visiting researcher. Between 2021-2023 she worked as a senior lecturer in Political Science Program at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Since January 2023, she is also non-resident researcher at the Center for Comparative Research on Democracy at Humboldt University of Berlin.
Her research interests focus on judicial politics, comparative political institutions, comparative constitutional law, and public opinion. Methodologically, her research leverages several quantative approaches including observational data, experiments as well as other causal inference designs.
Her studies are published in various journals such as the Journal of European Public Policy (JEPP); Political Research Quarterly, International Political Science Review, Law&Society Review, Democratization, International Journal of Constitutional Law (ICON), and Global Constitutionalism. (Shu) S Li
Dr. Shu Li is an Assistant Professor in Law and Technology at Erasmus School of Law. His research focuses on the legal, economic and societal implications of the risk and harm of new technologies. He is an expert of European and comparative private law, tort law and economics, product safety law, consumer law, AI regulation and governance, insurance law and data law. Dr. Li is Visiting Fellow at the Legal Tech Lab, University of Helsinki. He is also Adjunct Professor at School of Law, City University of Hong Kong.

Prof. Dr. Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko
Managing director
Prof. Dr. Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko has an interdisciplinary background, having obtained degrees in law, psychology and law and economics. Her research focuses on empirical legal studies where she employs empirical methods to investigate questions of law in different areas such as constitutional law, copyright law, administrative law, and international criminal law. She is also an international expert on day fines, with a particular focus on European national criminal justice systems. Finally, she is also conducting research in the field of International Criminal Law. Due to the novelty and societal relevance of her research, Elena has obtained different grants to execute her studies. She has been publishing in leading international journals and with renowned publishing houses. Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko is a member of the ESL’s Research Ethics Review Committee (RERC) as well as the academic coordinator of the European Doctorate in Law and Economics. In addition, Elena has recently established and co-directing the Erasmus Centre of Empirical Legal Studies (ECELS), which is focused on promoting the application of empirical methods, including computational methods, in legal research and education in The Netherlands. Before starting her academic career, Elena worked as a criminal prosecutor in the District Attorney’s Office in Israel.
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Prof. Dr. Louis Visscher, LL.M.
Louis Visscher is Professor of Legal Economic Analysis of Tort & Damages at Erasmus School of Law. He studied both economics (Erasmus University Rotterdam, 1993) and law (Erasmus University Rotterdam, 1994, with honours). He holds a PhD (2005) from the same university. Louis teaches the lectures on tort law in the course Economic Analysis of Private Law in the European Master in Law and Economics (EMLE). He supervises various PhD candidates in the European Doctorate in Law and Economics (EDLE). He provides (guest) lectures on the economic analysis of law in general, and game theory, employers liability and pain and suffering damages specifically. Louis’ research interests lie in the economic analysis of private law, with a focus on tort law and the law of damages. Louis is the coordinator of the ‘Dubbelstudie Economie en Recht’, a six-year study programme at the Erasmus School of Economics and the Erasmus School of Law at the Erasmus University Rotterdam with which talented and motivated students can graduate in both Economics and Law (master’s level). Furthermore, Louis is vice-director of the Rotterdam Institute of Law and Economics (RILE) and director of the EMLE programme.
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Dr. Ann-Sophie Vandenberghe
Ann-Sophie Vandenberghe is Associate Professor of Law and Economics. She holds a law degree (Ghent University, Belgium, 1996), an educational degree (Ghent University, Belgium, 1996), a degree of European Master in Law and Economics (1997) and a PhD (Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 2004). She was a visiting scholar at Columbia Law School (New York, USA, fall 2007) and a visiting professor at National Law School of India University (Bangalore,summer 2008). She is a member of the Economic Impact Group of the Common Principles of European Contract Law. She specializes in the field of comparative and behavioural law and economics of contracts, especially employment and consumer contracts.
- Website: Link

Prof. Dr. Niels Philipsen
Niels Philipsen studied Economics (with a specialization in competition policy) at Maastricht University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree on the thesis “Regulation of and by pharmacists in the Netherlands and Belgium: An economic approach” at the UM Faculty of Law. Philipsen is Associate Professor in Law and Economics at the Maastricht European Institute for Transnational Legal Research (METRO), where he is also Vice-Director (0.8 FTE). In July 2016 he was appointed extraordinary Professor of Shifts in Private and Public Regulation at the Erasmus School of Law (0.2 FTE); and in November 2016 he was appointed Adjunct Professor of the School of Law and Economics at the China University of Political Science and Law.
Philipsen conducted research for inter alia the European Commission, OECD, several Dutch ministries and the International Bar Association. He also worked as temporary agent for the European Commission (DG Competition), and was a visiting researcher at Peking University and the University of Illinois. From January 2013 until April 2016 he was a member of the FP7 Collaborative Project EFFACE (EU action to fight environmental crime). Philipsen wrote several books and articles.
- Website: Link

Prof. Dr. Sharon Oded
Sharon is a corporate compliance and enforcement professor at the Rotterdam Institute of Law and Economics, Rotterdam. He was formerly a research fellow at the Center for Law, Business and the Economy at the University of California, Berkeley. Sharon is also the Chairman of the Compliance Chamber, Institute for Financial Crime (IFFC), a member of the Advisory Committee to the OECD on Non-Trial Resolutions of Foreign Corruption Cases, and a steering committee member of the Cambridge Forum: The Global Compliance Officers’ Forum. In 2012 Sharon defended his PhD thesis, which focused on Corporate Proactive Compliance. Sharon was awarded with a PhD cum laude. Additionally, Sharon was awarded with the annual Elly Rood Prize for the best PhD research, for what the Executive Board of the Erasmus School of Law found an exceptional, path-breaking study in the field of enforcement and compliance.
Additionally, Sharon is a regulatory, compliance and investigations partner at the Global Law Firm, Norton Rose Fulbright. His practice focuses on helping multinational corporations and financial institutions to mitigate their regulatory compliance risks and to respond to corporate incidents and crises. He advises corporations, board members and senior executives on cross-border investigations, criminal defence, regulatory compliance and related civil litigation.
- Website: Link

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Klick
Jonathan Klick, (1975), Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, is part-time appointed at the Erasmus Chair of Empirical Legal Studies at Erasmus School of Law. Jonathan Klick is both a lawyer and an economist, and he specialises in empirical Law and Economics. He will develop new focus areas of empirical research and has a special interest in areas such as corporate governance and tort law.
Jonathan Klick’s work focuses on identifying the causal effects of laws and regulations on individual behavior using cutting-edge econometric tools.
- Website: Link

Prof. Dr. Klaus Heine
Klaus Heine is Professor of Law and Economics at the Erasmus School of Law in Rotterdam. He has ample experience in teaching European economic policy at the bachelor, master, and doctoral level. His research areas are European economic policy, law and economics, and management. In recent years he specialized in the legal embedding of digitalization. In this domain he also does policy consulting. His research is recognised by an international audience through presentations at numerous international conferences and publishing in leading journals in the respective fields. Klaus Heine was awarded a Jean Monnet Chair of Economic Analysis of European Law in June 2012. In 2019 he became the director of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Digital Governance. The Centre is a joint initiative of Erasmus University Rotterdam, Bar-Ilan University and the University of Leeds. The Centre seeks for new institutional solutions for the disruptive challenges from digitalization.
- Website: Link

Prof. Dr. Pieter T.M. Desmet
Since 2011, Pieter Desmet has joined RILE and the BACT research programme. Pieter has a background in Economics (BA, University of Antwerp), in Experimental Psychology (MA, Catholic University of Leuven) and obtained a PhD from Rotterdam School of Management. Pieter is currently Professor of Behavioural Law and Economics and is specialized in quantitative empirical legal studies and behavioural economics. He conducts fundamental and applied behavioural research on decision-making in a variety of domains, including the decision making of victims, perpetrators and judges, as well as behavioural ethics and managerial and consumer decision making.
- Website: Link

Prof.em. Dr. Roger Van den Bergh
Roger Van den Bergh is Emeritus Professor of Law and Economics. Prior to his current position, he was an associate professor at the University of Antwerp and a professor at the Universities of Utrecht and Hamburg. Roger was a visiting professor at many universities. Including Aix-en-Provence, Oslo, Moscow, LUISS Guido Carli Rome, Haifa, Bologna and New York. From 1987 until 2001 he was the President of the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE). From 2000 until 2005 Roger was the Director of the European Master programme in Law and Economics (EMLE). From 2004 until 2009 Roger was the Erasmus Mundus Coordinator of the EMLE programme. Roger teaches courses on Competition Law and Economics and Comparative Law and Economics. Roger’s publications cover a wide range of topics in Law and Economics. He published extensively in both books and leading scientific journals on Competition Law and Economics, European Law and Economics, Tort Law and Insurance, and Harmonisation of Laws.

Prof. Dr. Franziska Weber, LL.M.
Franziska Weber is Professor of Law and Economics at Erasmus School of Law. Her main fields of interest concern the law and economics of consumer and competition law, same as the challenges of digitalisation. She successfully defended her EDLE PhD thesis regarding the optimal mix of public and private law enforcement in consumer law in 2012 and was junior professor of Civil Law and Law & Economics at University of Hamburg from 2013-2020. Her work has a strong focus on comparative law (particularly on German, Spanish and Dutch law) and behavioural law and economics.
- Website: Link

Prof. Dr. Patrick C. Leyens
Patrick C. Leyens joined the Rotterdam Institute of Law & Economics in 2014 as a Professor (honorary) at the Chair of Empirical Legal Studies. In his main office, he is Professor of Civil Law, Corporate and Commercial Law at the University of Bremen. He was a senior research fellow at the Hamburg Max Planck Institute for Comparative Private and International Private Law. He served as junior professor of civil law and law & economics at the Institute of Law and Economics at the University of Hamburg. Patrick was involved in building-up the EDLE program and he directed the participation of the University of Hamburg in the EDLE from 2009 to 2012. His main fields of interest concern the law and economics of corporate, commercial and capital market law, especially corporate governance.
- Website: Link

Prof. Dr. Michael G. Faure
Managing Director of the Programme
Michael G. Faure is Professor of Comparative Private Law & Economics. Michael studied law at the University of Antwerp (1982) and criminology at the University of Gent (1983). He obtained a Master of Laws from the University of Chicago Law School (1984). He pursued his doctoral research at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau and received a doctor iuris. First Michael worked as a lecturer later as a senior lecturer at the department of criminal law at the Law Faculty of Leiden University (1988-1999).
In September 1991 he became academic director of the Maastricht European Institute for Transnational Legal Research (METRO) and professor of Comparative and International Environmental Law at the law faculty of Maastricht University. Since February 2005 he also holds a position as professor of comparative private law at Erasmus School of Law and is the co-director of the research programme Behavioural Approaches to Contract and Tort. Moreover, Michael is academic director of the Ius Commune Research School and since 1982 he has been an attorney at the Antwerp Bar.
Michael Faure teaches Environmental Law & Economics and European Law & Economics. His publications mainly focus on the areas of environmental (criminal) law, tort and insurance as well as economic analysis of (accident) law.
- Website: Link
Prof. Dr. Luigi A. Franzoni
Local coordinator:
Lisa Verniti
Tel: +39 051 208 85 50
Fax: +39 051 209 80 40
Email: dse.edle[at]
Postal Address:
Università di Bologna
EDLE – Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche
Piazza Scaravilli 2
40126 Bologna
Prof. Dr. Stefan Voigt
Tel: +49-40-42838.5782
Fax: +49-40-42838.6794
Local coordinator:
Betül Simsek
Tel: +49 40 42838-6779
Fax: +49 40 42838-6794
Email: hamburg[at]
Postal Address:
University of Hamburg
Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft
Institute of Law & Economics
Johnsallee 35
20148 Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Fabio Padovano
Local coordinator:
Hélène Jean
Tel: +33 (0)2 23 23 72 29
Email: rennes1[at]
Postal Address:
University of Rennes
Faculté de droit et science politique
35000 Rennes
EDLE Academic Director:
Prof. Dr. Kantorowicz-Reznichenko
Rotterdam Director and Academic Coordinator:
Prof. Dr. Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko
Postal Address:
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus School of Law
Rotterdam Institute of Law & Economics (RILE)
PO Box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam
Local coordinator:
Marianne Breijer/Theo Post
(EDLE programme coordinator)
Email: rotterdam[at]
Postal Address:
Charles University Prague
Faculty of Law
Department of Economics
nám. Curieových 7
11640 Prague
Czech Republic