Dr. Aylin Cakir worked as an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Yeditepe University, Turkey (2014-2019). In 2017 she has been awarded with Young Scientist Award (BAGEP) by the Science Academy. In 2019 she received Re:Constitution fellowship (by Stiftung Mercator) and in 2020 she was Re:Constitution fellow at Utrecht University (Montaigne Center). Between 2021-2022 she was affiliated with Utrecht University, School of Law (ERI program) as visiting researcher. Between 2021-2023 she worked as a senior lecturer in Political Science Program at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Since January 2023, she is also non-resident researcher at the Center for Comparative Research on Democracy at Humboldt University of Berlin.
Her research interests focus on judicial politics, comparative political institutions, comparative constitutional law, and public opinion. Methodologically, her research leverages several quantative approaches including observational data, experiments as well as other causal inference designs.
Her studies are published in various journals such as the Journal of European Public Policy (JEPP); Political Research Quarterly, International Political Science Review, Law&Society Review, Democratization, International Journal of Constitutional Law (ICON), and Global Constitutionalism.