Current Students

    DINO Sergio

    Thesis working title

    To be determined


    Link to personal website

        LI Huabing

        Thesis working title

        To be determined


        Link to personal website

            TICKU Arunima

            Thesis working title

            To be determined


            Link to personal website

                TILGNER Moritz

                Thesis working title

                The fight for unicorns: An international comparative legal and economic analysis of high-growth entrepreneurship policies fostering start-up activity and innovation


                Link to personal website

                    WIECLAWSKI Lukasz

                    Thesis working title

                    Law and Economics of Day Fines


                    Link to personal website

                        AYOUB Ahmed

                        Thesis working title

                        Evaluating the Effect of the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on Green Technology Adoption in Energy Intensive Industries in non-EU countries


                        Link to personal website


                            JAIN Prateek

                            Thesis working title

                            Determinants of Populism: The role of Emotions, Legal and Moral norms, and Social Preferences


                            Link to personal website






                                MALAHLEKA Mthuthukisi

                                Thesis working title

                                International Sanctions in The Public Eye: An Empirical Analysis


                                Link to personal website


                                    PANICHEVA Anastasiia

                                    Thesis working title

                                    To be determined


                                    Link to personal website






                                        YAŞAR Özlem

                                        Thesis working title

                                        To be determined


                                        Link to personal website






                                            AMIN Yasir

                                            Thesis working title

                                            Essays on Property rights


                                            Link to personal website





                                                ER Tolga

                                                Thesis working title

                                                Essays on Democratic Backsliding


                                                Link to personal website




                                                    KRAUSS Tabea

                                                    Thesis working title

                                                    But for the Defendant’s Inaction? – Economic and Empirical Analyses of Corporate Supply Chain Liability


                                                    Link to personal website





                                                        Silvia Ciacchi

                                                        Thesis Working Title

                                                        Law and Economics of Sustainability Due Diligence


                                                        Link to personal website





                                                            WU Nancy (Yi En)

                                                            Thesis working title

                                                            Law and Economics of Predictive Legal AI Applications and Their Regulatory Framework






                                                                ABDULRAHMAN Emad

                                                                Thesis working title

                                                                Revisiting Force Majeure: a Law and Economics analysis


                                                                Link to personal website



                                                                    BREKOO Anne

                                                                    Thesis working title

                                                                    The Consequences of Jurisdictional Pluralism in the Context of International Crime


                                                                    Link to personal website





                                                                        HASSAN Nourhan

                                                                        Thesis working title

                                                                        Cultural Norms and Economic Behavior: Essays on Nudging with Proverbs


                                                                        Link to personal website





                                                                            SCHEEPERS Amber

                                                                            Thesis working title

                                                                            The effect of corporate board gender diversity on compliance with European competition law


                                                                            Link to personal website




                                                                                SEVÜK Barış

                                                                                Thesis working title

                                                                                Economic Analysis of Third-party Litigation Funding





                                                                                    BARGFREDE Allen

                                                                                    Thesis working title

                                                                                    The Economics of Modern Music Law: A new model


                                                                                    Link to personal website



                                                                                        CHRISTOFARO LOPES Pedro Henrique

                                                                                        Thesis working title

                                                                                        Federalism and Crisis: A comparative study




                                                                                            DINI Giorgio

                                                                                            Thesis working title

                                                                                            Environmental Footprint Disclosure: The enforcement mechanisms for truthful claims


                                                                                            Link to personal website



                                                                                                PAOLINI Gabriele

                                                                                                Thesis working title

                                                                                                Plea Bargaining Procedures in the World: A Law and Economics perspective









                                                                                                    SY Youssoufa

                                                                                                    Thesis working title

                                                                                                    Political Legislation Cycles in a Comparative Approach


                                                                                                    Link to personal website



                                                                                                        VAN HEUSDEN Adrianus

                                                                                                        Thesis working title

                                                                                                        Taking Marketing Seriously: A Law and Economics analysis of consumer protection in the digital age


                                                                                                        Link to personal website



                                                                                                            KOVÁCS Anna

                                                                                                            Thesis working title

                                                                                                            Behavioral determinants of collective action on climate change


                                                                                                            Link to personal website


                                                                                                                SHARMA Shashank

                                                                                                                Thesis working title

                                                                                                                Essays on Antitrust Analysis of Multi-Sided Platforms


                                                                                                                Link to personal website





                                                                                                                    ZARRA Antonella

                                                                                                                    Thesis working title

                                                                                                                    The Law and Economics of Artificial Intelligence


                                                                                                                    Link to personal website


                                                                                                                        ZDYBEL Karol

                                                                                                                        Thesis working title

                                                                                                                        An Economic Analysis of Legal Pluralism


                                                                                                                        Link to personal website



                                                                                                                            ALVES CHACHA Lucas

                                                                                                                            Thesis working title

                                                                                                                            Analysing Brazilian Anti-Corruption Enforcements


                                                                                                                            Link to personal website




                                                                                                                                HOLDERIED Martin

                                                                                                                                Thesis working title

                                                                                                                                Interest Theories on the Regulation of Sharing Economy Markets


                                                                                                                                Link to personal website





                                                                                                                                    KATDARE Mrinmayi

                                                                                                                                    Thesis working title

                                                                                                                                    Precautionary Principle: How does political discretion influence its implementation?


                                                                                                                                    Link to personal website


                                                                                                                                        NISSIOTI Evangelia

                                                                                                                                        Thesis working title

                                                                                                                                        Can mediation in civil law systems lead to social and private efficiency gains compared to litigation and negotiation?


                                                                                                                                        Link to personal website


                                                                                                                                            WELLS Liam

                                                                                                                                            Thesis working title

                                                                                                                                            Transatlantic Regulatory Divergence in Pharmaceuticals: Exploring economic and cultural explanations


                                                                                                                                            Link to personal website




                                                                                                                                                CHIANG Kan-Hsueh

                                                                                                                                                Thesis working title

                                                                                                                                                Does Information Cost Lead to Medical Moral Hazard? – Evidence from Taiwan National Health Insurance



                                                                                                                                                    BOGALE Mulugeta Asefa

                                                                                                                                                    Thesis working title

                                                                                                                                                    Labor Regulation, Informality and Economic Growth in SSA: An Empirical Analysis


                                                                                                                                                    Link to personal website


                                                                                                                                                        GURKAN Cicek

                                                                                                                                                        Thesis working title

                                                                                                                                                        The Role of Banks for Corporate Governance